
HSV Recognizes Outstanding Customer Service

June 22, 2020 — This program is meant to recognize the efforts of Airport Authority employees and tenant employees who provide service that goes above and beyond that of their job description. Anyone can nominate an... READ MORE

HSV Launches Airport Artway & Community Art Wall Series Two

June 18, 2020 — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 19, 2020 HSV Launches Airport Artway & Community Art Wall Series Two HUNTSVILLE, ALA. - Huntsville International Airport's ongoing partnership with the Carnegie ... READ MORE

June Newsletter

June 2, 2020 — MyHSV Newsletter Adjusting the Sails "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Cora L.V. Hatch Perhaps today we all adjust our sails to... READ MORE

Huntsville International Airport Expresses Gratitude to Senator Richard Shelby for his Continued Support of Airport Infrastructure Improvements Across the State of Alabama

May 4, 2020 — HUNTSVILLE, ALA.- Huntsville International Airport (HSV) applauds Senator Richard Shelby for his continued support of airport infrastructure improvements. The most recent Federal Aviation Administrati... READ MORE

Huntsville International Airport Awarded $13,785,691 as a Grant to Offset Revenue Losses from the Coronavirus Pandemic

April 14, 2020 — HUNTSVILLE, ALA.- The U.S. Transportation Department/Federal Aviation Administration (DOT/FAA) today awarded nearly $10 billion to U.S. airports devastated by the tremendous falloff in travel deman... READ MORE